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2007 Local Basic Research Workshop Held in Chongqing

The 2007 Local Basic Research Workshop was held in Chongqing on December 24-25 of 2007. Mr. CHENG Jinpei, Vice-minister of science and technology, and Mr. CHEN Yatang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Chongqing, attended the Workshop.

Vice-minister CHENG pointed out that the local basic research was an important component of the national basic research work and was playing an increasingly prominent role in promoting the local economic and social development. Many new practices and measures were taken in the institutional innovation and innovation environment improvement. He stated that various local authorities should study, and put into practice the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, acquire resources from various sources to retain sustained and stable investment, enhance deployment with priorities, strengthen regional cooperation and exchange to step up independent innovation, and build the ability to serve national and local socioeconomic development.

The Workshop provided a good opportunity for various provincial and municipal S&T administrative departments and key laboratories to exchange and discuss with each other, and played an important role in intensifying the administration of local basic research and promoting its development.