No.164 |
CHINA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER The Ministry of Science and Technology People's Republic of China
N0.164 |
September 30,1998 |
Torch Plan Contributes to Economic Growth
New Measures to Aid High-tech Ventures
Mystery of Plateau Salt Lake Discovered
High Definition TV Systen in China
Chinese and Foreign Experts Discussing the Development of S&T Centers
China's Remarkable Success for Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Torch Plan Contributes to Economic Growth
The State will give more policy support to developing high-tech industries as the backbone of a knowledge-based economy in the next century, Vice-Premier Li Lanqing said recently.
Worldwide economic growth in the future will depend more on knowledge development and popularization. This will bring a challenge and opportunity for China to advance its science and technology, Li said at a national conference marking the 10th anniversary of the Torch Programme.
The Torch Programme is a national plan that was implemented in August 1988 with the State Councils approval. It aims to propel regional economic growth through developing high-tech industries.
The programme has made great contributions to national economic growth, high-tech industry development, traditional industry improvement and industrial restructuring, Li said.
It also helped cultivate thousands of high-tech firms and 53 high-tech zones, and develop patented products which have reached world advanced levels, Li said at the conference.
The Central Science and Education Leading Group, since it was highlighted in March at the National People's Congress, had decided to invest 7 billion yuan (US $843 million) within the next three years to try a knowledge and technology innovation project in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The group will also increase funds to step up educational development, Li revealed.
He encouraged the Ministry of Science and Technology to initiate a nationwide technology innovation project, in a bid to reinforce enterprise's technological development.
He called for more assistance to high-tech medium and small-sized firms, as these firms are an important part of the country's economic competitiveness in the future.
Regional governments can try venture capital systems to help develop these firms in accordance with international practice, Li said.
According to the Ministry of Science and Technology, medium and small-sized firms make up 98 per cent of China's all industrial enterprises. Their output takes up 60.3 per cent of the country's total.
Li encouraged regional departments, while developing high-tech industries, to create more employment opportunities.
New Measures to Aid High-tech Ventures
The government is to work out finance, taxation and trade regulations to support the development of small and medium-sized high-tech firms, according to a senior scientific official.
Several years' development of high-tech zones has proven that small firms can develop into the vertebrae of industrial backbones given favourable conditions, Xu Guanhua, vice-minister of Science and Technology, said recently during the festivities marking the 10th anniversary of the Torch Programme, a plan to galvanize China's regional economic growth through developing high-tech industries .
The latest statistics indicate that medium and small-sized firms account for 98 per cent of the country's industrial enterprises. Their output accounts for 60.3 per cent of the country's total industrial output.
World-famous companies such as Microsoft, Siemens and Phillips all emerged from cottage industries, Xu said.
Some small firms and township enterprises in coastal areas of China have started to turn away from traditional industries towards high-tech production in a bid to compete in today's fierce markets.
High-tech zones should help these firms update their technology, Xu said.
The Torch Programme was approved by the State Council and implemented by the State Science and Technology Commission (now the Ministry of Science and Technology ) in August 1988.
The government began to set up high-tech zones in the early 1990s to help cultivate high-tech firms.
High-tech industries in China are still in their infancy; it took 10-15 years for scientific and technological parks to flourish in developed countries.
High-tech zones should accelerate the improvement of property rights and share holding systems to attract more funds for small enterprises, said Xu.
The country's 53 high-tech zones have helped 5,000 small firms grow into profit-making enterprises, Xu said.
Some zones have developed patented products in the fields of microelectronics, telecommunications, bio-medicines and new materials.
China's electronic switchboard market was dominated by overseas products six years ago due to the country's lack of competitive technology.
But today domestically made switchboards account for 30 per cent of the country's market thanks to the efforts of several small domestic firms, said Xu.
Since 1991 the total output in the 53 zones has increased by an annual average of 93.6 per cent. Exports have risen by 99.6 per cent.
The per-capita output in high-tech zones has reached 170,000 yuan(US$20,500) annually--much higher than that in traditional industries--according to statistics from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
High-tech development has played an increasingly important role in regional economic growth.
The output of the Beijing high-tech zone accounts for 10 per cent of the city's total industrial output, and that ratio is expected to rise in the future, Xu said.
Mystery of Plateau Salt Lake Discovered
Long term observation station of Salt Lake Center of Chinese Academy of Geology, the highest scientific observation station in the world sitting on a plateau at 4422 meter above sea level, has collected scientific data on Zhabuye Salt Lake for 8 consecutive years and conducted related scientific experiments and research. It discovered for the first time in the world natural lithium carbonate and new family of lithium muscovite and lithium deposit resources in the lake worth 150 billion yuan. Their discoveries and research has provided scientific evidence for the development of new type lithium in the salt lake, an international frontier challenge and addressing the "water system of eight bittern elements". In early August 1998, the station has extracted 30 tons of mixed salt with 9% lithium carbonate content, which marked a major breakthrough in China's salt field technology.
This long term observation station situated on a wild island in the middle of Zhabuye Salt Lake is missioned to carry out experiment and research on salt lake r esources and environment, salt lake biology and earth chemistry so as to promote the development of edge cutting research on salt field. Assigned with a research topic "long term observation and research in pre-development stage of Zhabuye Lake", it has collected weather, water and evaporation data about the lake for almost 9 consecutive years. It has improved its understanding of the chemical process of crystal bittern rich in lithium and poor in SO4 in winter. With the support of the state and Tibet Autonomous Region, Mr. Zheng Mianping, Director of the Salt Lake Center and an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering has led pre-study of extended comprehensive development of lithium, baron and potassium and official experiment lasted for 16 years. So far they have established Salt Lake Extended Experiment Base consisting of 6000 m2 multi-level salt field, laboratory, floating selection workshop and dormitory. last year, they have expanded research forces by organizing technicians in the fields of chemistry, ore screening, geology and materialization to work on field bittern evaporation experiment and mixed salt screening experiment. They also carried out the experiment on hundred-ton inexpensive lithium content salt floating selecting and obtained refined ores of 37% lithium carbonate content. On August 2, 1998, they successfully acquired 30 tons of mixed salt with 9% lithium carbonate.
What surprised people is the station's observations has proved the fact that Zhabuye salt Lake is one of the super salt lakes of million tons deposit in the world. Furthermore, the Lake is ranked in the first place in the world for its lithium deposit and the second place for its lithium quality. It is also of unique resources of solid natural lithium carbonate and excellent water chemical characteristics favored for economic abstraction of lithium, baron and potassium from salt lake. All these efforts have led to the discovery of the mystery of a salt lake with lithium existence.
High Definition TV System in China
Prof. Song Jian, President of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of National Steering Group on High Definition TV Development announced on September 8, 1998 that China has successfully developed its digital high definition prototype television system and become the fourth country in the world following US and some European countries who completely possess such system.
Closely tracking the latest world development in the field of digital high definition television system, Chinese S&T community kicked off development of such system as a national priority project on July 1996. A joint development team composed of 200 young scientists from 9 universities, research institutions and enterprises was established through public tendering. Two-year painstaking efforts have led to major breakthroughs in developing key technology of the system that has independent intellectual property rights.
At news briefings, extremely fine and vivid pictures appeared on an 30-inch 16: 9 large screen without any visible "spots" as people usually may detect on an ordinary television. Equipped with multiple sound track system, the system has reached the level of wide screen broadcasting.
According to action schedule, the prototype tested in Beijing area from September 8 to 12 in Channel 30 of CCTV. It is disclosed that the development strategies of China's high definition television are: phase one first prototype come into being in 1998 and phase two establish relevant industrial bases and broadcast high definition TV program on an experimental basis around 2000.
Chinese and Foreign Experts Discussing the Development of S&T Centers
98’Beijing International Symposium on S&T Centers/Museums and the 1st Meeting of Asian and Pacific Scientific Centers was held on September 3, 1998. This is the first important international conference on modern S&T museums held in China. Dr. Goss of International Museum Association and Dr. Green, Chairman of International Special Committee on S&T Museums, Ms. Rosalio. Manalu, General Executive of UNESCO (Philippines) and Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Shafaer, former Chairman of World S&T Center Association, Dr. Pelson, Chairman of European Organization of S&T Industry and Technology Cooperation and Dr. Klar, Chairman of Asian and Pacific S&T Center Network were in presence.
The main theme of this two-day meeting is:"S&T Centers/Museums: education and enlightenment to public" Participants discussed and exchanged their views on the development of S&T centers, S&T centers and school education, display design of S&T museums and S&T centers and society.
S&T museum undertakings have experienced three historical stages from nature museum to industrial technology museum to science centers. While entering the 1990s in 20th century, fast development of network technology has made science centers become the third generation scientific centers integrated with modern technologies including information network, simulating and integrated video technology.
The meeting was sponsored by China S&T Museum and co-sponsored by Asian and Pacific S&T Centers Network established on June 1997 in Bangkok. The network consists of S&T centers or museums in Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.
China's Remarkable Success for Intellectual Property Rights Protection
China's Remarkable Success for Intellectual Property Rights Protection. Mr.Jiang Ying, Head of Chinese Delegation and Administrator of State Intellectual Property Rights who attended 33th series meeting of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) expressed at the plenary meeting held on September 7, 1998 that WIPO should further strengthen its cooperation with developing countries and render its new contributions to promoting and developing intellectual properties.
Talking about international intellectual property system and utilizing intellectual property resources, Mr. Jiang submitted the following proposals to WIPO: strengthen intellectual property system and meet the 21st century challenges marked by information and knowledge economy; provide more technical assistance to developing countries including China such as training, automatic literature archiving and legislatures; absorb more working staff from developing countries to work for the different levels of the Organization.
Mr. Jiang also briefed the representatives from 170 members of important achievement made by China in intellectual property rights protection. She disclosed that at the end of December 1997, China Patent Right Bureau had handled 739,000 patent right applications. During the first half of 1998, it has dealt with 60,000 applications, of which 13,000 are from abroad. In the meanwhile, Chinese Trade Mark Office has verified and approved 223,000 trade marks. At the end of 1997, China's effective registered trade marks have reached 860,000 in number.
Comments or inquiries on editorial matters or Newsletter content should be directed to:Mr. Dong Jianlong, Department of International Cooperation, MOST 15B, Fuxing Road Beijing 100862, PR China Tel: (8610)68512650 Fax: (8610) 68512594, or Mr. Wang Jianping, Editor,NEWSLETTER, 15 Fuxing Road Beijing 100038, PR China, Tel:(8610) 68515544 Ext. 2921 |