The 1st China-New Zealand Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) on Science and Technology was convened on September 7th, 2006 in Beijing, according to the consensus reached during Premier WEN Jiabao ’s visit to New Zealand. The meeting was co-hosted by Dr. SHANG Yong, Vice Minister of Science and Technology in China and Dr. Helen ANDERSON, Chief Executive of New Zealand Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.
Vice Minister SHANG extended welcome to the visiting delegation and briefed them on the National Conference of Science and Technology and the Outline of National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan. The Chinese side expressed intention of cooperation with the New Zealand counterpart in S&T and innovation. Proposals were made to set up a special fund for scientist exchange, especially young scientist interaction. Vice Minister SHANG highlighted the joint efforts in clean and renewable energy as well as traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). He hoped biomedical science could team up with TCM in tackling serious and epidemic diseases. Dr. ANDERSON briefed on the S&T development in New Zealand, reaffirmed the importance of bilateral cooperation, and proposed priority areas.
The two sides reached consensus on food science, biotechnology, biomedicine and traditional medicine, environment S&T (including clean and renewable energy, climate change, bio-diversity, water resources, natural disasters and pollution research), nano-technology, and superconductor technology. The next JCM is agreed upon to be held in New Zealand in 2008.
The New Zealand delegation was comprised of representative from the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, the Foundation for Research Science and Technology, Health Research Council, Royal Society and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.