Minister XU Guanhua met Professor Paul Ching-Wu Chu, President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and his delegation on August 28, 2006. In-depth and friendly discussion was held about further enhancing S&T cooperation and exchanges between the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong and the setup of HKUST’s institute for advanced study among other topics.
The Director General of Department of Basic Research also introduced to the HKUST delegation China’s national innovation strategy, the Outline on National Medium-to-Long Term S&T Development Plan, national S&T programs, construction of key laboratories, and major achievements in basic and applied research in mainland and Hong Kong over recent years. Prof. Chu briefed the audience on the building of the HKUST institute for advanced study, thanked MOST for its support and wished to join the mainland in extensive exchanges with a view to deepening understanding and promoting cooperation.
Given the sound foundation of biomedicine and TCM development in Hong Kong, joint efforts among localities, Hong Kong and government organs should be brought into full play for the industrialization of biomedical and medical chemistry science and technology, said Minister Xu. He indicated a wish to speed up industrialization and gradually promote regional development with Guangdong and Hong Kong taking the leadership through their collaboration with MOST. The Ministry would give vigorous support to cross-region integration of S&T resources and exchange of talents so that different localities may complement each other’s advantages for mutual benefit and win-win results. MOST stood willing and ready to provide assistance and service to Hong Kong’s S&T development and economic growth whenever necessary.