MOST and Yunnan Government signed the "Protocol on Work Consultation between MOST and Yunnan People's Government" in Beijing on 11 October. Present at the signing ceremony were XU Guanhua, Minister of Science and Technology, XU Rongkai, Governor of Yunnan Province, SHANG Yong, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, GAO Feng, Vice-governor of Yunnan Province as well as leaders from relevant departments of MOST and Yunnan Province.
MOST and Yunnan Province defined five themes as the contents of consultation: 1. jointly boosting the industrialized engineering construction of biomass energy; 2. jointly boosting the construction of Yunnan industrialization base for non-ferrous metal new materials; 3. jointly boosting construction of Yunnan S&T industrial base for modernization of traditional Chinese medicine; 4. jointly boosting the development of Yunnan Spark industrial zone for flowers; 5. jointly boosting the industrialized development of Yunnan distinctive animal resources and experimental animals and the construction of information sharing platform.