Minister WAN Gang received the delegation headed by Chairman James Connaughton of White House Council on Environmental Quality on August 14, 2007. The two sides exchanged views on energy security and climate change.
Chairman Connaughton briefed Minister WAN on the Meeting of Major Economies on Energy Security and Climate Change to be held on September 27-28 in the US. 13 major economies will participate in discussions on new principle framework after the Kyoto Protocol, feasible agenda of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, energy conservation and emission reduction boosted by scientific progress.
Minister WAN appreciated the meeting as a platform for economies to exchange ideas on energy conservation and emission reduction and believed it could encourage the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Always highlighting the adaptation to climate change, the Chinese Government has made huge investment into scientific research in this area. Minister WAN also introduced a series of actions of clean energy, transportation, wastewater handling and rain recycling in major venues of 2008 Olympics.
The two sides reached consensus that China and the US were sharing broad prospects of cooperation despite different stages of clean development and edges in different areas.