The National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee convened the Seminar on Hybrid Vehicle Technology Standards in Beijing on August 21, 2007. Some 100 participants came from the Department of Hi-tech Development and Industrialization of MOST, the Department of Industrial Policies and the Department of Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the S&T Department of the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Standardization Administration of China, world-renowned auto companies like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, GM, DaimlerChrysler, BMW, Volkswagen, domestic auto companies and research bodies.
Enthusiastic discussions were held on the technology policies, standards, related to technologies of hybrid vehicles, such as testing methods of emissions, vehicle types and characteristics. The focus was on the development of China’s technology standard system of hybrid vehicles and major fields for setting standards. Auto companies also introduced standard setting in their respective countries. Delegates held that despite China’s 32 standards in place for electrical vehicles’ R&D and testing, further efforts should be made to advance the study and improvement of standards related to hybrid vehicles.