On November 15th, MOST convened a Symposium in Shanghai on Understanding the Guidelines of the 17th CPC National Congress for S&T Administrations in the Yangtze River Delta. Leaders from the relevant departments and divisions of MOST, and S&T Departments in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai Municipality, as well as representatives from the S&T bureaus in Ningbo, Nanjing and Hangzhou attended the Symposium. Minister Wan Gang of Science and Technology and Vice Mayor Yang Dinghua of Shanghai Municipality delivered important speeches at the Symposium. This event was presided over by Vice Minister Shang Yong.
MOST convened the Symposium in order to keep its commitment to implement the guidelines of the 17th CPC National Congress and to listen to the report of the new ideas and measures of the Yangtze River Delta in its effort to implement the scientific outlook on development according to the reality. At the Symposium, S&T administrations in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai talked about their ideas on how to enhance innovation, accelerate the regional innovation system, and promote a sound and fast development of the regional economy.