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Minister WAN Visits ZPMC

On the afternoon of May 18, WAN Gang, Minister of Science and Technology and Vice-chairman of the National Committee of CPPCC, paid a visit to ZPMC (Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co.) located in Changxing Island, Shanghai.

During his inspection tour, WAN watched the 7,000-ton revolving floating sea cranes developed with the support of National Key Technologies R&D Program and ready for delivery. WAN commented that he learnt a lot from this visit and was deeply impressed. He further pointed out that innovation covers a wide range of areas, including product innovation, innovation in management and staffing, and innovation on human resources training. WAN also expressed his hope that ZPMC can enjoy further development with the continuous support from the S&T departments.

Ministry of Science and Technology of the PeopleĀ“s Republic of China
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