On November 10th, Vice-Minister DU Zhanyuan met with Dr. Patrick P. Gelsinger, senior vice president of Intel Corporation’s Digital Enterprise Group.
Dr. Gelsinger introduced Intel’s latest computer R&D results and their cooperation with Chinese enterprises, universities and research institutes, analyzed the trend of IT S&T innovation. He expressed Intel’s wishes to deepen cooperation with China in high-performance computers with the ability to perform 1000-trillion operations per second and high-end fault-tolerant computers.
DU pointed out that MOST not only supported joint research in the high-end & frontier IT fields including high-performance computers capable of 1000-trillion calculations per second, high-end fault-tolerant computers, and chip manufacturing, but also value the low-cost computer development and application, especially applicable computers for pupils and middle-school students in the vast rural area. MOST is willing to support Intel Corporation to carry out substantive cooperation with its Chinese counterparts in the above fields of common interest, identify concrete cooperative goals, and enhance cooperation for a win-win scenario based on equality and mutual-benefit, DU said.