VM Liu Yanhua met with Ms. Margareta Wahlström, the Assistant Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction on the afternoon of April 20, 2009.
Ms. Margareta Wahlström introduced UNISDR and Hyogo Framework for Action. She held that currently great efforts are needed in the research of the relationship between climatic change adaptation and disaster risks reduction. She hoped that the assistance regarding disaster reduction can be provided to poor people, African countries and small island countries, and scientific support extended to countries in need. She also stressed the importance of turning the declaration into actions.
VM Liu Yanhua introduced to Ms. Margareta Wahlström the disaster reduction system of the Chinese government, the Spark Programme of MOST, particularly the practical technologies targeting less-developed regions and rural areas. He briefed upon the application of these technologiess in Africa, Asia, South America, etc. He also introduced China’s current priorities in disaster prevention and reduction, and put forward suggestions to the expert committee of UNISDR.