On May 13th of 2009, CAO Jianlin, Vice-Minister of Science and Technology met with Mr. Carl Bauer, Director of National Energy Technology Laboratory under U.S. Department of Energy(DOE), and Mr. Michael Kluse, director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). Both exchanged views on strengthening China-US cooperation in energy technology.
According to CAO, MOST has done a lot of work in the research and commercialization of new energy technologies, such as wind generation, PV power generation and biomass energy. He welcomed the involvement of related US national laboratories of DOE in China-US S&T cooperation to conduct joint research in energy technology and other fields.
Director Bauer appreciated China for its progress in new energy R&D and promotion, as well as in energy conservation and emission reduction. He expressed his willingness to devote himself to China-US S&T cooperation, and make progress together in energy technology. Director Kluse introduced the cooperation between PNNL, NETL DOE and Chinese research institutes including Chinese Academy of Sciences.