The 2010 China-New Zealand Scientist Exchange Program sponsored by Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) of China and Ministry of Research, Science & Technology (MORST) of New Zealand has successfully launched in Wellington on May 18th. Representatives from the Department of International Cooperation of MOST, Chinese Embassy in New Zealand, China Science and Technology Exchange Center as well as Chinese scientist participants attended the opening ceremony. Dr Suzanne Bertrand from the MORST, Mr. Joe Asghar from the Royal Society of New Zealand and Dr. Prue Williams from the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science & Technology (FRST) made brief introductions on New Zealand’s science and technology (S&T) development including S&T system, financial input and international cooperation.
After the ceremony, five selected Chinese participants from Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Soil Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Pharmaceutical University, Huaqiao University and Inner Mongolia Agricultural University would develop S&T cooperation and exchange at their counterpart hosts including University of Auckland, Massey University, University of Otago, Scion and New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute.
In February 2009, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and New Zealand Ministry of Research, Science and Technology signed an arrangement to encourage and facilitate greater understanding and development of research linkages for up to 10 early- to mid-career researchers of China and New Zealand (up to 5 each), to facilitate access to expertise in each country, and to extend cooperation in jointly agreed priority research fields for collaboration. The program is co-organized by China Science and Technology Exchange Center and the Royal Society of New Zealand.
The first five New Zealand scientists were selected to visit China in November last year.