The 6th meeting of the ITER Council kicked off on Jun. 16, Suzhou City. Delegations from the seven parties to ITER (China, EU, India, Japan, ROK, Russia and the US) were present at the event. CPPCC Vice Chairman and MOST Minister WAN Gang addressed the event.
IC-6 discussed the baseline document of ITER project, including progress, costs, technical specifications and project management, which is the foundation for the implementation of the project. The meeting also talked about the organization structure, progress and future plans.
In the meantime, the ITER and Fusion Technology Exhibition was also held in Suzhou from Jun. 16 to Jun. 25 at the Industrial District of Suzhou. The exhibition aimed at popularizing fusion energy and ITER progress through attractive and interactive means. Minister WAN was also present at the opening ceremony of the event together with other ITER leaders.
As the leading institution of ITER, ITER Council discusses important issues and makes decisions. Each Party sends at maximum 4 representatives to be members of ITER Council, and IC meeting is held twice a year.