The China-OECD Roundtable on Innovative Strategy was held on Oct. 19 of 2010 in Beijing. MOST Deputy Secretary-General WANG Zhixue and OECD Deputy Secretary-General Richard Boucher addressed the event. Experts and scholars from MOST, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Chinese Academy of Engineering, Development Research Center of the State Council, China Association of International Science and Technology Cooperation (CAISTC), Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, Tsinghua University, Peking University and officials from OECD participated in the meeting.
Participants from China and OECD shared views on the key conclusions and policy principles of the OECD innovative strategy, innovative policies of individual OECD countries, and assessed China’s innovation policies.
The Roundtable was sponsored by MOST and OECD and organized by the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development. In 2001, with the approval of the State Council, MOST became an observer of the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy of OECD on behalf of the Chinese government for the first time. At present, CAISTC is actively taking part in an OECD research project on addressing global challenges—multilateral cooperation in scientific and technological innovation.