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2011 Sanya International CSP Forum Held in Hainan

As one of the sponsors, the Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization of MOST, held the 2011 Sanya International Solar Thermal Power Technology Forum (Sanya International CSP Forum) from August 16th to 18th in Sanya of Hainan Province. This event attracted over 400 experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from China, America, Spain and other countries.

Since being launched in 2007, the Sanya International CSP Forum has become an important annual event for Asia in the area of solar thermal power. At this year's forum, participates exchanged ideas on a wide range of areas, including technological progress, economic and industrial policies, investment and financing of CSP.  Providing an important platform for the international exchange on CSP, the forum is of great significance to promote CSP in China.

Ministry of Science and Technology of the PeopleĀ“s Republic of China
15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, 100862, P.R. China
Sponsor: Executive office of MOST
Support: Information Center of MOST
Site ID: ICP(BJ) NO.05022684
Site Identification code: bm06000001