On March 22, the 1st Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) between China MOST & Thai MOST Cooperation was convened in Beijing. Vice Minister Cao Jianlin and Deputy Permanent Secretary Somchai led delegations to the meeting respectively. After the meeting, the two sides signed the minutes.
According to the MOU on cooperation projects signed last October, the two sides established, under the JCM framework, joint working groups on high-speed railway joint research center, remote sensing satellite data sharing and application platform, technology transfer center and young scientist exchange program. On March 21, the working groups held meetings to review what has been done and discussed what to do in the future. On March 22, the working groups submitted to the JCM their reports, which were written into the JCM minutes after deliberation.
At the JCM, two sides spoke highly of the working mechanism of JCM and expressed their satisfaction with bilateral cooperation on the four projects. According to the JCM minutes, in 2014, the two sides will build operation teaching platform and vibration test bench of high-speed railway joint research center, accomplish the terminal construction of remote sensing satellite data sharing and application platform and launch the demonstration project, sign the MOU on technology transfer center, co-sponsor important events such as the 2nd Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation and Thailand Science Week, and finance short-term visits of young Thai scientists to China as well as organize Chinese scientists to Thailand for scientific research and exchange.
Moreover, the Chinese side raised proposals on latest projects under China-ASEAN Science and Technology Partnership Program, including building the China-ASEAN Mariculture Technology Joint Research and Promotion Center and initiating New and Renewable Energy Action Plan. Thai MOST appreciated the aforementioned proposals. Both sides agreed to establish working groups on mariculture technology and new & renewable energy at proper time, so as to facilitate cooperation in relevant fields. In addition, the two sides updated on their latest S&T development.
Other participants of the JCM include Mr. Xu Chaoqian, DDG of the Department of International Cooperation, Mr. Chen Jiachang, DDG of the Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization, Ms. Wang Yan, Deputy Director General of China Science and Technology Exchange Center, Mr. Wang Jun, Vice President of CSR Corporation Limited, Mr. Wang Bingbing, Deputy Director General of China Center for Resources Satellite Data and Application, and Mr. Liu Jianhong, DDG of Guangxi Science and Technology Department etc.