Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China and the Ministry of Industry and Science of Australia, and organized by China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC), the closing ceremony of 2015 China-Australia Young Scientist Exchange Program was held at Tongji University in Shanghai on Nov 13, 2015.
Director General ZHAO Xinli from China Science and Technology Exchange Center, Consul General Graeme Meehan from Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai, Vice President JIANG Bo from Tongji University and Professor Michael Manton from Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering attended and addressed the closing ceremony. Director General ZHAO stressed the important role that S&T exchange and cooperation play in China-Australia pragmatic cooperation. He also reviewed what had been achieved since the establishment of China-Australia Young Scientist Exchange Program, and encouraged Australian researchers to keep in close contact with their Chinese counterparts, enhance communication, and continue to enrich bilateral cooperation, thus writing a new chapter for China-Australia S&T cooperation.
The 13 Australian researchers from Sydney University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland and the University of New South Wales etc have finished their 2-week visit to some of China’s top universities and research institutes such as Tingshua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University and relevant institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences. At the closing ceremony, they made presentations on the positive outcomes of their visit to China. Researchers from both countries have learned from each other through mutual exchanges, which will lay a solid foundation for long-term S&T cooperation.