The 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC-20) was held in the National Convention Center in Beijing from April 6 to 8. Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council sent his congratulations to the conference. Participants included officials of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Deputy Director General of State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense Mr. Wang Yiren, ITER Organization Director-General Mr. Bernard Bigot, Chairman of French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Mr. Verwaede, U.S. Under Secretary of Energy, representatives of Domestic Agency (DA) of ITER members, other senior leaders of international organizations and China’s government departments as well as distinguished academicians home and abroad.
Mr.Luo Delong,the Executive Deputy Director General of CNDA was invited to delivered a report entitled“the Implementation of ITER project and Nuclear Fusion Energy Research in China”during the group meeting.
This is the first time that nuclear fusion being listed on the agenda of the conference, which shows that PBNC attaches increasingly greater importance to the nuclear fusion energy.