On April 6, 2016, the 14th China International Nuclear Industry Exhibition & the 20th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC-20) was held in Beijing National Convention Center. The exhibition was themed on “Develop Nuclear Technology, Establish Beautiful Home”. As the largest nuclear industry exhibition held in China this year, the event attracted more than 800 representatives from over 40 countries and regions.
As a member of the ITER project, CNDA is charged with important tasks of fulfilling relevant articles of the ITER agreement, advancing smooth implementation of the ITER project, strengthening multilateral and bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear fusion, fulfilling production task of purchase packages in China under the Initiative, and promotion of nuclear fusion energy research and development in China.
During the exhibition, the CNDA gave a snapshot about the ITER project, ITER Organization, China’s participation in the project, and advancement in domestic nuclear fusion R&D. The information was shared in various manners - panels with graph and texts, model display, video clips, and interactive demonstration. Important visitors to CNDA booth included ITER Organization Director-General Bernard Bigot, Korean DA Director Kijung JUNG, University of California Professor Mohamed A Abdou and representatives from domestic research institutions, colleges and universities, and institutions undertaking the production task of the ITER procurement packages.
The nuclear industry exhibition provided an important platform for exchange of nuclear power technology between China and other countries. Also it was a favorable opportunity for promoting fusion technology industry development and enhancing impact of the ITER project.