On May 24, 2016, Vice Minister Yin Hejun met with Mr. Oleg Kiselev, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of RUSNANO Management Company LLC. The two exchanged views and reached agreement on deepening bilateral cooperation in science, technology and innovation.
VM Yin Hejun said the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership has been moving forward, accompanied by the steady progress of bilateral cooperation in science and technology. He noted that RUSNANO plays a prominent role in Russia’s innovation system, and MOST is willing to recommend Chinese institutions to carry out reciprocal collaboration with Russian partners, such as setting up joint funds and joint R&D centers. VM Yin Hejun encouraged RUSNANO to participate in the investment and implementation of big science and technology projects launched by China and Russia, and strengthen cooperation in such areas as platform building, transformation of scientific achievements and talent exchange to produce practical results from these projects. RUSNANO could also join hands with Chinese partners to organize entrepreneurship activities to facilitate cooperation between innovation institutions and start-up platforms from the two countries.
Deputy Chairman Kiselev said RUSNANO offers abundant resources to expedite bilateral cooperation and has a flexible and efficient working mechanism. By consolidating the domestic resources in Russia, they have developed 12 business incubators and helped more than 300 businesses to generate profits. He said RUSNANO is willing to strengthen cooperation with Chinese enterprises, high-tech parks and incubators on launching joint R&D initiatives and accelerating the translation of scientific accomplishments.