On May 24-26, 2016, the 21st Session of the ITER Council MAC was held in the ITER Organization’s headquarters in Cadarache, France. During the meeting, the Council’s independent assessment group gave a report on work progress followed by discussions on feasibility of the updated long-term schedule and corresponding human resources allocation. The meeting also reviewed the 2016 progress report of the ITER Organization and listened to the 2015 Management Assessment Report. A summary of other duties that the previous Council assigned to MAC was also presented at the meeting, including project management, progress of installation contract, quality guarantee and nuclear safety work plan. The meeting also called for effective implementation of relevant issues. According to the general practice, the meeting reviewed the management documents submitted by the ITER Organization, including the 2016 Work Plan and Budget Implementation, signing of purchase arrangement agreement and progress of the manufacturing tasks, nuclear safety culture, and scheme of nuclear responsibilities. This will provide management consulting for decision-making at the forthcoming session of the ITER Council in June.
Executive Deputy Director of the Nuclear Fusion Center Mr. Luo Delong headed the MAC’s Chinese delegation to the meeting. The ITER Council is the highest decision-making body of the ITER Organization as well as an important platform representing equal voice of all member countries. The ITER Council comprises four advisory bodies for decision making: Management Advisory Council (MAC), S&T Advisory Council (STAC), Finance and Auditing Board (FAB), and Test Blanket Module - Project Committee (TBM-PC) and the Council’s Preparatory Work Group. MAC is responsible for reviewing matters related to management and administration amid implementation of the ITER Initiative and providing counseling to the ITER Council.