The Department of High-tech Development and Industrialization of Ministry of Science and Technology organized an acceptance check for a project on digital restoration of extinct animals under the National Key Technology R&D Program in Beijing on August 11th, 2016. According to the Administrative Measures of National Key Technology R&D Program and its Special Budget, the acceptance panel listened to the report delivered by the principle investigator, reviewed documents and watched the demonstration video. Through the inquiry and discussion session, the panel concluded that the main task and targets had been fulfilled and the project was accepted.
This project deals with solid restoration technologies including three-dimensional (3D) restoration and refinishing restoration. It can restore the shape of animals in 3D models for storage and display, with high-resolution rendering accuracy no lower than 1920*1080. The project created a visualized database of restoration results and a database of molds and processes for product development, including 100 3D models of extinct animals, 150 high-resolution restorations of living environment and contour, and 100 physical models of animal. The project achievements include three software copyrights and 10 published papers. There are also a series of popularization media products and handicraft derivatives, including two inquiry systems of extinct animals, a video material bank, a concept design scheme for handicraft development, a designing textbook for restoration of extinct animals, and a set of popular science books. The project serves as a demonstration of scientific research archive, museum display, science popularization, handicraft design and education, having generated economic value of over RMB 50 million.