On November 12, 2015, Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, Canada, visited the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Young Scientist Exchange Program between the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Ontario of Canada with Wan Gang, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology. Starting from 2016, the two sides each select 5 outstanding young scientists to go to research institutions of the other side for 3 weeks of visit and research work. The Program is designed to promote exchanges between young scientists of China and the Ontario Province of Canada and lay a foundation for future long-term science and technology cooperation. The Program is specifically implemented by China Science and Technology Exchange Center and the Ministry of Research and Innovation of the Province of Ontario of Canada.
On July 13, 2016, 5 young Chinese scientists selected by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology from China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, Suzhou University, Nankai University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology went to visit Toronto, Canada. Ms. Mima Vulovic, Research Manager at the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Ontario and Consul Shen Jianlei of the Science and Technology Section of the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto addressed the opening ceremony.
On August 2, 2016, 4 young Canadian scientists selected by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Ontario from the Queen‘s University, University of Waterloo, Ryerson University, Eastern Ontario Provincial Children’s Hospital visited China. Commercial Counselor Christopher MacLean from the Canadian Embassy in China and representatives of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology and China Science and Technology Exchange Center attended the opening ceremony held in Beijing.
The First China-Ontario Young Scientist Exchange Program has recently come to a successful close in Beijing and Toronto. According to statistics, a total of almost 100 researchers from 20 universities and research institutions of the both sides have conducted joint research through the Program. Scientists of the two countries have reached intent on cooperation in the exchange of Ph.D students, regular mutual visits between researchers, joint application for inter-governmental projects, joint publication of papers in international journals and other matters.