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3rd China-Japan-Korea Workshop on ITER Held in Busan of Korea

On July 27-29, 2016, the Third China-Japan-Korea Workshop on ITER was successfully held in Busan, Korea. Luo Delong, Executive Deputy Director General of the Nuclear Fusion Center, headed the delegation to the meeting. This meeting is intended to strengthen technical exchange and experience sharing among the Asian members of the ITER project regarding the manufacturing task of ITER parts and procurement packages, forming joint proposals on basis thereof and urging the ITER organization to advance the smooth implementation of the ITER project.

During the meeting, heads of domestic agencies of China, Japan and Korea respectively delivered a report on progress of domestic purchase packages since last meeting. Then, heads of procurement packages and ITER parts manufacturing task of the parties held in-depth talks regarding technical agenda, including divertor, test wrapping module, vacuum room manufacture, superconductor and magnet technology, and diagnostic technology. Also, the parities advanced and discussed together common administrative issues during implementation of procurement packages manufacturing tasks.

This session was sponsored by the Korean DA. The participants included government representatives of Korean Department of Future Creation and Science, scientists and engineers of Korean National Fusion Research Institute and figures of the business circles, government representatives of Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Bureau of Research and Development, representatives of the ITER Initiative Japanese DA, and scientists and experts of Japanese National Institute of Quantum Radiation Science and Technology (Naka Fusion Institute). Chinese representatives participating in the meeting involved the Department of International Cooperation of MOST, Nuclear Fusion Center, and experts and scholars from Institute of Plasma Physics of CAS, Southwest Institute of Physics, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology of CAS, University of Science and Technology of China and Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research and personnel of related businesses.

On July 29, accompanied by chief of the Korean side, Chinese and Japanese representatives visited the ITER vacuum room and circular field coil structure manufacturing workshop of Ulsan-based Hyundai Heavy Industries. The representatives were deeply impressed by the quality and efficiency of Hyundai Heavy Industries in fulfilling the ITER purchase package manufacturing tasks.

Ministry of Science and Technology of the People´s Republic of China
15B, Fuxing Road, Beijing, 100862, P.R. China
Sponsor: Executive office of MOST
Support: Information Center of MOST
Site ID: ICP(BJ) NO.05022684
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