The 20th Session of the S&T Collaboration Subcommittee of the Regular Meeting Committee Between Chinese Premier and Russian Prime Minister was held in Shanghai recently. The meeting was jointly chaired by the Chinese chair of the Subcommittee, Yin Hejun, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of China and the Russian chair of the Subcommittee, Lopatin, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on policies of science, technology and innovation of the two countries, status quo and prospect of China-Russia collaboration on science, technology and innovation, cooperation within the framework of mega-science projects, pragmatic large scale project cooperation, and cooperation between regions, universities, foundations, academies of sciences, and other research institutions on the two sides. The two sides agreed to give full play to the S&T Collaboration Subcommittee as the main channel of intergovernmental S&T cooperation between the two countries, strengthening coordination to create favorable conditions for further deepening collaboration on science, technology and innovation between the two sides. Besides, the two sides formulated the China-Russia S&T Exchange Program 2017-2018. After the meeting, the chairs of the Subcommittee signed the Protocal on the 20th Session of S&T Collaboration Subcommittee of Regular Meeting Committee Between Chinese Premier and Russian Prime Minister.
Within the framework of the present session, both sides jointly held the China-Russia S&T Cooperation Roundtable Meeting. More than 100 representatives from research institutes, universities and high-tech enterprises utilized the event as a platform to conduct project promotion and cooperation matching in a bid to pave way for next-step pragmatic collaboration.
According to the agreement reached between the two sides, the 21st Session of the S&T Collaboration Subcommittee is due to be held in Russia in 2017.