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Vice Minister Li Meng Attends 20th Session of Committee on Regular Meetings Between Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers in Russia

On November 2, 2016, Vice Premier Wang Yang and his Russian counterpart Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin co-chaired the 20th Session of Committee on Regular Meetings Between Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers in Russia. Li Meng, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, attended the meeting as the Chinese representative of the joint committee for cooperation in science and technology.

The Subcommittee for cooperation in science and technology addressed the session, summarizing the progress of the Subcommittee’s work over the past year, and reporting on important matters including promoting the construction of the platform of China-Russia cooperation in science, technology and innovation, improving the selection mechanism of cooperation projects, carrying out practical cooperation in major projects, and deepening people-to-people exchanges in science and technology.

During the visit to Russia, Vice Minister Li Meng met with State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev and Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexey Lopatin. He exchanged views with them on strengthening China-Russia cooperation in innovation, holding the first China-Russia dialogue on innovation, deepening China-Russia cooperation in science and technology, and giving full scope to the role of the Subcommittee for cooperation in science and technology as an initiator and main channel of intergovernmental cooperation between China and Russia in science and technology, with extensive consensuses being reached. Vice Minister Li Meng also visited Moscow State University, where he met with Rector Victor Sadovnichy and exchanged views with him on Moscow State University’s participation in China-Russia cooperation in science and technology.

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