Yin Hejun, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of China, met in Beijing the visiting State Secretary Nils Vikmång of the Swedish Ministry of Environment and Energy on December 8th, 2016. The two sides exchanged views on China-Sweden cooperation in science, technology and innovation(STI), areas of common interest in the energy field, and the 8th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) to be held in Beijing next year.
Vice Minister Yin welcomed the State Secretary for his visit to the Ministry. He briefly reviewed China-Sweden cooperation in STI and introduced the overall development of STI and the innovation-driven development strategy of China. He also talked about tasks for developing clean energy in the country’s 13th Five-Year Plan. State Secretary Nils Vikmång appreciated China’s achievements in the fields of STI and clean energy and provided updates on Sweden’s main focuses and technological strengths for developing clean energy. He expressed the hope that Sweden and China would work together to implement Mission Innovation and deepen cooperation in energy.
Yin also briefed on the preparations for CEM8 and the second Mission Innovation Ministerial and extend an invitation to the Swedish delegation. State Secretary Vikmång said that Sweden is willing to actively work with China during the preparation and play an active role in these meetings. The two sides also exchanged views on other topics such as legal frameworks to stimulate innovation in energy, public participation and information disclosure.