The Workshop on China-Germany Platform for Cooperation in R&D and Innovation of Intelligent Manufacturing was held in Beijing on January 11th, 2017. It was sponsored by the Department of International Cooperation (DIC) of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) with an aim to deliver the visions of leaderships in China and Germany; connect the Made in China 2025 and the German Industry 4.0; and act on the Joint Statement of Intent between the MOST of China and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) on Developing and Promoting Innovation Schemes through Bilateral Science and Technology Cooperation in the Fields of Intelligent Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) and Intelligent Services.
Presentations were given on relevant policies and developments of intelligent manufacturing in the two countries by Deputy Director General Chen Jiachang of the DIC of MOST, Deputy Director General Herbert Zeisel of the BMBF, and representatives of the Standardization Administration of China and the Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute (ITEI) in China. Since China has actively explored ways to deepen cooperation with Germany at the local level, and clusters with district features of S&T cooperation with Germany have been developed, the Workshop proposed to establish a China-Germany science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation platform for intelligent manufacturing. The ITEI presented a preliminary plan of the platform. Based on the needs of government departments, innovation parks, manufacturers, users, and universities, research institutes as well as regional and industrial demands for innovation, the proposed platform is to integrate collaboration resources and establish sharing and partner scouting modules in the areas of key technology R&D, pilot & demonstration, promotion of standards and technology transfer. Short, medium and long-term work plans for the platform will also be formulated to guide and facilitate the development of China-Germany cooperation on all fronts of intelligent manufacturing.
The meeting was attended by more than 60 representatives of the science and technology departments (commissions), innovation parks, research institutes, universities, and enterprises from 9 provinces and municipalities across China. Participants shared their cooperation achievements and experience with their German counterparts, actively discussed plans on the platform and made constructive recommendations based on their own expertise and needs.