A briefing on the eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) and the Second Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-2) was held on April 18th at the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). It was attended by nearly 30 foreign representatives from China-based diplomatic missions of CEM and MI members and relevant international organizations.
The briefing was chaired by Chen Linhao, Deputy Director General of the International Cooperation Department of MOST. Chen introduced the background, theme, preliminary agenda, side events, Innovation Theater and Technology Exhibition among other activities. He noted that China attaches great importance to these two ministerial meetings it sponsors, wishes representatives present at the briefing would facilitate the visits of invited ministers and officials to China, and welcomes the participation of relevant businesses and institutions in the aforementioned activities.
Foreign representatives present at the briefing said that they would direct a lot of attention to the preparation of these meetings, and keep in close contact with both their incoming ministers and business representatives and the Chinese counterparts. A Q&A section was also held to give the representatives more details about specific issues.