Minister Wan Gang met in Beijing with Ibrahim Baylan, Swedish Minister of Environment and Energy on the sidelines of the 8th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8) and the 2nd Mission Innovation (MI2) Ministerial. The two sides exchanged views on bilateral cooperation, clean energy, and climate change among other topics.
Minister Wan thanked Minister Baylan for leading the Swedish delegation to attend CEM8 and MI2 and introduced key directions of China’s science, innovation and energy development. He noted that Sweden has long been committed to developing sustainable energy systems and is a role model for China in the development of clean energy. Under new circumstances, the two sides have worked together to maintain a positive and pragmatic climate for CEM and MI with accomplishments made in various aspects.
Minister Baylan thanked the Chinese side for inviting the Swedish delegation to attend the CEM and MI meetings. He noted that both sides share common ground and challenges in the course of developing clean energy. Since Sweden has technological advantages in renewable energy and energy efficiency, it is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in the areas of electric vehicles, solar energy, wind power and energy efficiency, so that the two countries could jointly cope with the challenge of climate change.
The two sides recognized the role of the CEM Secretariat in organizing the meetings and achieving shared leadership. They exchanged views on the next CEM and MI. Both expressed willingness to explore new models of bilateral cooperation and continuously strengthen exchanges and cooperation in clean energy.