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China-Russia Work Group on High Technology and Innovation Holds 10th Meeting in Harbin

China-Russia Work Group on High Technology and Innovation, a panel under the Subcommittee of Science & Technology Cooperation of the Joint Commission for the Regular Meetings of Heads of Government of China and Russia, held its 10th meeting on June 16, 2017 in Harbin. The meeting was co-chaired by Chen Linhao, Deputy Director General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and Matveev, Director General of Science and Technology at the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The two sides exchanged ideas and reached agreement on a broad range of issues from joint call for proposals, promoting mechanisms of bilateral science and technology activities, conducting joint research in big science projects and nuclear fusion, to strengthening cooperation in multilateral science & technology framework and intensifying academic exchange between Chinese and Russian young scientists. The two sides also agreed on the procedure and the timeline of the 2017 joint call.

After the meeting, the two sides signed the meeting minutes and agreed to hold the 11th work group meeting next year in Russia.

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