On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, the China-Mongolia Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation held its fourth meeting in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. The meeting was co-chaired by Senior Counsel Ruan Xiangping of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and Director Sonomdarjaa Munkhbat of the Department of Science and Technology Policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia. Vice Minister G. Ganbayar of the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports addressed the meeting.
The two sides affirmed the achievements of bilateral cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation and emphasized the important role of science, technology and innovation in the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Mongolia, while expressing a willingness to make new and greater progress as the two sides marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Senior Counsel Ruan Xiangping briefed the Mongolian side on the current status of science, technology and innovation and related programs in China and said that the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology is pursuing innovation-driven development, accelerating the efforts to build China into an innovative country, opening up wider and enhancing cooperation in innovative capabilities, in an effort to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Action Plan.
G. Ganbayar congratulated on the holding of the Joint Committee meeting in Mongolia, stressing that China-Mongolia cooperation in science, technology and innovation has boosted economic and social development of Mongolia. He pointed out that at the recently concluded conference on science and technology, the Mongolian government unveiled multiple policy measures to develop industrial technologies and accelerate the improvement of innovation capacity. He said that in the process, Mongolia will learn from China‘s success stories and development model.
At the meeting, the two sides briefed each other on the progress of joint projects in relevant fields, identified future priority fields and approaches for cooperation, and agreed to strengthen top-level design, expand cooperation platforms and deepen people-to-people exchanges in science and technology.
Representatives of the Department of Science and Technology of Inner Mongolia, project delivery institutions, and other research funding agencies and delivery institutions from both countries attended the meeting.