2.R&D Activities |
2 -1 |
全国R&D经费(1991~1997) National R&D expenditure |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
R&D 经费 R&D expenditure |
150.8 |
209.8 |
256.2 |
309.8 |
349.1 |
404.8 |
481.9 |
比上年实际增长(%)* Real growth (%)
— |
29.0 |
6.6 |
0.6 |
- 0.2 |
9.5 |
17.6 |
R&D 经费/国内生产总值(%) GERD/GDP (%)
0.7 |
0.8 |
0.7 |
0.7 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
*按GDP的缩减指数计算 Calculated by GDP deflator
Note: Data on expenditures on and personnel engaged in S&T or R&D activities in this book include those of enterprises or institutions of construction, transportation, post and communications, agriculture, geology and water conservancy industry, as well as R&D institutions subordinated to government departments, large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions of higher learning.

2-2 |
全国R&D经费按执行部门分类(1997) National R&D expenditure by sector(in 100 mil. yuan) |

2-3 |
全国R&D经费按活动类型分类(1997) National R&D expenditure by character of work (in 100 mil. Yuan) |

2-4 |
全国R&D人员按执行部门分类(1997) National R&D personnel by sector |
全时工作当量,千人年 FTE in 1000 person·year |
R&D 人员 R&D personnel |
科学家和工程师 S/E |
全国 Total |
834.4 |
590.6 |
255.3 |
193.1 |
321.7 |
198.5 |
高等学校 Higher education institutions
165.8 |
156.9 |
91.6 |
42.1 |

2 -5 |
部分国家R&D经费 R&D expenditure in selected countries |
10亿本国货币单位 Billion of national currency |
中国China 1997 |
美国USA 1996 |
日本 Japan 1995 |
德国 German 1996 |
法国 France 1996 |
英国 UK 1995 |
俄罗斯Russia 1996 |
韩国 ROK 1995 |
巴西 Brazil 1995 |
R&D 经费 R&D expenditure |
48.2 |
184.7 |
14408.2 |
80.7 |
182.2 |
14.3 |
19393.9(2) |
9440.6 |
5.96(1) |
R&D/GDP(%) |
0.64 |
2.52 |
2.98 |
2.28 |
2.31 |
2.05 |
0.86 |
2.68 |
0.88 |
科技经费支出数据,取自巴西国家科技指标1990-1995。 Total S&T expenditure, from Brazil National S&T Indicators 1990-1995.
数据来自《俄罗斯联邦各地区科技指标》。 Source: Russian Federation, S&T in the Regions of the Russian Federation.
数据来源:除中国数据和(1),(2)外,各数据均来自OECD《科学技术统计1997》。 Source: Main S&T Statistics of OECD 1997, except the data on China and (1),(2).
2 -6 |
部分国家R&D经费按执行部门分类 R&D expenditure in selected countries by sector of performance |

Source: the same with Table 2-5.
2 -7 |
部分国家R&D人员 R&D personnel in selected countries |
R&D 人员(全时工作当量,千人年) R&D personnel (FTE in 1000 person·year) |
每万个劳动力中R&D人员 R&D personnel per 10000 labor force |
中国 China 1997 |
834.4 |
12 |
日本 Japan 1995 |
948.1 |
142 |
德国 Germany 1995 |
470.2 |
119 |
法国 France 1995 |
318.4 |
125 |
英国 UK 1993 |
270.0 |
95 |
俄罗斯 Russia 1996 |
990.7 |
136 |
韩国 ROK 1995 |
152.2 |
73 |
Source: the same with Table 2-5.