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S&T Statistics Data Book (2003)
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Home > S&T Statistics > 2003

1.Outline of S&T Activities[2004-12-22]
2.R&D Activities[2004-12-22]
3.Government S&T Appropriation[2004-12-22]
4.Output Indicators[2004-12-22]
5.Human Resources[2004-12-22]

FTE Full-time Equivalent
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GERD Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D
R&D Research and Development
S&T Science and Technology
S/E Scientists and Engineers
Note:  Data on expenditures on and personnel engaged in S&T or R&D activities in this book include those of R&D institutions subordinated to government departments, large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions of higher learning, small industrial enterprises, enterprises or institutions of construction, transportation, post and communications industries, agriculture and medical care institutions.
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