4 科技产出
Output Indicators
4-1 国家知识产权局专利申请受理量及授权量(2004~2005) |
Patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPO* |
*SIPO – State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China. |
Patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPO
4-2 国家知识产权局受理和批准的国内职务发明专利按部门分(2002~2005) |
Domestic service invention patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPO by sector |
件 Case
国内职务发明专利按部门分布( 2005)
Domestic service invention patent applications filed and patents granted by SIPO by sector
4-3 国内科技论文按机构类型分(2000~2005) |
Domestic S&T papers by type of institution |
中国 China |
美国 USA |
日本 Japan |
德国 Germany |
法国 France |
英国 UK |
韩国 Korea |
意大利 Italy |
荷兰 Netherlands |
西班牙 Spain |
本国人 Domestic |
5868 |
86976 |
108515 |
22637 |
10899 |
5211 |
30175 |
1285 |
3010 |
1181 |
外国人 Foreign |
15605 |
80358 |
11503 |
38516 |
42516 |
47382 |
15123 |
33614 |
24472 |
25445 |
合计 Total |
21473 |
167334 |
120018 |
61153 |
53415 |
52593 |
45298 |
34899 |
27482 |
26626 |
合计位次 Rank |
12 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
数据来源:世界知识产权组织工业产权统计(2002)。 |
Source:WIPO,Industrial Property Statistics (2002). |
4-4 全国科技论文发表数(1994~2004) |
National S&T publications |